DevFest 2019 - Call for papers

Hello craftsmen,

In partnership and support of GDG Mauritius kindly have a look at the following event.

Following the success of last year's DevFest (devfest-mauritius-2018­), we are organising on the 5th of October this year's, a one-day Google DevFest at the Supinfo International Campus.

We would like to invite you to send your session proposals for this  Event  latest by the end of August 2019. Kindly note that the proposals should make use of Google Technologies. We would allow a maximum of 2 Speakers per session and the duration of each session should be 45 minutes.

Following is the link to the call for papers on Sessionize:­

Looking forward to having you as possible speakers at the DevFest 2019.Wishing you a great weekend.

Cheers, JoKi