It's just Angular!

The month of August was full on Angular. And yes, literally It's just Angular after all. Forget about version 2, 4 or even 5...

Introduction to Angular - Christophe Ramsamy & Bilkiss Dulloo

It has only been a few short years, but the front end development landscape has gone through a radical change. jQuery is no longer king, and one of the new aspirant rulers is Angular.

Why Angular? What does it bring?
As an old style jQuery dev, how can i update my style? These are the questions we shall explore during this session.

Digging deeper into Angular - Cedric Poilly

Cedric is going offer some insights into his experience of and lessons learned from recent projects in Angular. This might be more of a Q&A session.

Did you already do some work in Angular? What have been your struggles? What are your tips and tricks?

SEO in Angular - Alexandre Bazile

One of the hiccups of client side framework such as Angular(4) is SEO friendliness. Server-side rendering (SSR) aim to provide a solutions to make angular apps SEO friendly, faster and provide a better loading experience.

Let's discover what are the server side rendering strategies and how to implement SSR into an Angular application. We'll see the current plans of the angular team and the community efforts towards SSR.

Get more impressions of the event

Check out the event's photo gallery on Meetup to get a better idea of our monthly activities.

Thanks to Aberystwyth University

Also this month's meeting is based on the initiative of one of our craftsman, Nythiennzo. Also thanks to the head of the IT faculty at Aber who nicely welcomed us and helped to gather essential accessories to get started with the presentations.